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National career counselling certification program is a training program for any individual who wants to learn and practice as a career counsellor. Independently start their own center or want to advance their skills/qualifications. CCI & CareerNaksha certificate in career counselling automatically gives you power to counsel students or professionals. It makes you eligible to practice with confidence alone or on a contract basis for a school/private educational institute or as an independent freelancer. It doesn’t matter if you are a professional or a graduate or a fresher, you should have zeal and eagerness to counsel your clients in the right direction. You can join NCCP to advance your career.
In India in order to become a career counsellor you just need a graduate degree in any field but that is the minimum. Psychology degree is not mandatory or necessary. You must be qualified enough with good certification or diploma career counselling programs. Willingness to help students or professionals is a necessary condition with inquisitiveness to learn and acquire knowledge related to widespread careers. National Career Counselling Certification program by CCI and CareerNaksha will equip you with the right tools & platform to practice best career counselling in your location. The training program is of 3 months online certification with 8 modules, having live lectures in evenings or weekends to give you flexibility.
Yes we regularly and actively hire or recruit new career counsellors for our large scale projects. We even provide one to one opportunities to our partner counsellors across India and around the world. The need of career counselling is very big hence we require not just hundreds of counsellors but thousands of counsellors to meet the growing demand. Apart from that a career counsellor can get jobs at various educational institutes, schools or even can start their own independent practice center online or offline
Yes you can immediately start counselling students after undergoing the training and certification program by CCI & CareerNaksha. There is immense opportunity of growth in India & around the world market.
Most of our sessions, workshops and lectures are live online mode but we occasionally do offline in multiple cities across India & Overseas. We provide recorded sessions, practical case studies, live module lectures and also continuous support from our community team. Goal is to make sure you have all necessary tools and experience to deliver on ground with clients.
These activities that we do for our partner or counsellors are one-time payment. We do not charge recurring for training or certification. There is no additional or renewal fees even to access our dashboard with psychometrics.